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Chen, Yong-Song Professor(The Chair)




Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A.


Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells High-temperature PEMFCs Flow Batteries
Extension 33309
E-mail imeysc@ccu.edu.tw
Office College of Engineering(II) R428
Lab College of Engineering(II) R113
Journal Papers

1.qadir esmaili*, Majid Eshagh Nimvari, Nima Fallah Jouybari, Yong-Song Chen. Model based water management diagnosis in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45 (2020) 15618-15629.
2.Tossaporn Jirabovornwisut, Soorathep Kheawhom, Yong-Song Chen, Amornchai Arpornwichanop*. Optimal operational strategy for a vanadium redox flow battery. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 136 (2020) 106805.
3.Narissara Chatrattanawet, Soorathep Kheawhom, Yong-Song Chen, Amornchai Arpornwichanop*. Design and Implementation of the off-line robust model predictive control for solid oxide fuel cells. Processes, 7 (2019) 918.
4.Chin-Lung Hsieh, Po-Hong Tsai, Ning-Yih Hsu, Yong-Song Chen*. Effect of compression ratio of graphite felts on the performance of an all-vanadium redox flow battery. Energies, 12 (2019) 313.
5.Ren-Jun Kang, Yong-Song Chen*. Experimental study on effect of hydrogen sulfide on high-temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Catalysts, 8 (2018) 441.
6.Yong-Song Chen*, Sze-Yuan Ho, Han-Wen Chou, Hwa-Jou Wei. Modeling the effect of shunt current on the charge transfer efficiency of an all-vanadium redox flow battery. Journal of Power Sources, 390 (2018) 168-175.
7.Heng-Yi Lee, Hsiao-Chung Su, Yong-Song Chen*. A gas management strategy for anode recirculation in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (2018) 3803-3808.
8.Heng-Yi Lee, Yi-Hsuan Hsu, Po-Hong Tsai, Jiunn-Yih Lee, Yong-Song Chen*. The performance of a direct borohydride/peroxide fuel cell using graphite felts as electrodes. Energies, 10 (2017) 1124.
9.Shang-Wen Tsai, Yong-Song Chen*. A mathematical model to study the energy efficiency of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell with a dead-ended anode. Applied Energy,188 (2017) 151-159.
10.Yu-Fen Lin, Yong-Song Chen*. Experimental study on the optimal purge duration of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell with a dead-ended anode. Journal of Power Sources, 340 (2017) 176-182.
11.Chen-Yuan Hung, Hsu-Sheng Hwang, Shang-Wen Tsai, Yong-Song Chen*. A purge strategy for proton exchange membrane fuel cells under varying-load operations. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41 (2016) 12369-12376.
12.Chih-Hsun Chang, Han-Wen Chou, Ning-Yih Hsu, Yong-Song Chen*. Development of integrally molded bipolar plates for all-vanadium redox flow batteries. Energies, 9 (2016) 350.
13.Ting-Yen Zhou, Yong-Song Chen*. Effect of channel geometry on formability of 304 stainless steel bipolar plates for fuel cells- simulation and experiments. ASME, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 12 (2015) 051001.
14.Jian-Zhang Chen, Wei-Yang Liao, Wen-Yen Hsieh, Cheng-Che Hsu, Yong-Song Chen*. All-vanadium redox flow batteries with graphite felt electrodes treated by atmospheric pressure plasma jets. Journal of Power Sources, 274 (2015) 894-898.

15.Jen-Yu Chen, Chin-Lung Hsieh, Ning-Yih Hsu, Yi-Sin Chou, Yong-Song Chen*. Determining the limiting current density of vanadium redox flow batteries. Energies, 7 (2014) 5863-5873.
16.Wen-Yen Hsieh, Chih-Hsing Leu, Chun-Hsing Wu, Yong-Song Chen*. Measurement of local current density of all-vanadium redox flow batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 271 (2014) 245-251.
17.Chih-Wei Yang, Yong-Song Chen*. A mathematical model to study the performance of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell in a dead-ended anode mode. Applied Energy, 130 (2014) 113-121.
18.Yong-Song Chen*, Chih-Wei Yang, Jiunn-Yih Lee. Implementation and evaluation for anode purging of a fuel cell based on nitrogen concentration. Applied Energy, 113 (2014) 1519-1524.
19.Yong-Song Chen*, Sheng-Miao Lin, Boe-Shong Hong. Experimental study on a passive fuel cell/battery hybrid power system. Energies, 6 (2013) 6413-6422.
20.B.-S. Hong, W.-J. Su, T.-Y. Lin, L.-K. Chen, Y.-S. Chen. Game-theoretic linear parameter-varying control with multiple L2-gain objectives upon energy-motion regulation of electric bikes propulsion. IET Control Theory and Applications, 7 (2013) 966.
21.C.-C. Hung*, Y.-S. Chen. Numerical characteristics of the full operator hybrid simulation method. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 10 (2011) 453-463.
22.Y.-S. Chen*, H. Peng. Predicting current density distribution of PEMFCs with different flow field designs. Journal of Power Sources, 196(2011)1992-2004.
23.Yong-Song Chen*, Huei Peng. Studying the water transport in a PEMFC by neutron radiography and relative humidity sensors. ASME, Journal of Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, 6 (2009) 031016-1–031016-13.
24.Yong-Song Chen, Huei Peng. A segmented model for studying water transport in a PEMFC. Journal of Power Sources, 185 (2008) 1179-1192.
25.Yong-Song Chen, Huei Peng, D. S. Hussey, D. L. Jacobson, D. T. Tran, T. Abdel-Baset, M. Biernacki. Water distribution measurement for a PEMFC through neutron radiography. Journal of Power Sources, 170 (2007) 376-386.
26.H.-P. Chang, C.-L. Chou, Y.-S. Chen, T.-I. Hou, B.-J. Weng. The design and cost analysis of a portable PEMFC UPS system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 32 (2007) 316-322.
27.S.-K. Wu, Y.-S. Chen, J.-Z. Chen. Composition control of R.F.-sputtered Ti50Ni40Cu10 thin films using optical emission spectroscopy. Thin Solid Films, 365 (2000) 61-66.

Conference Papers

Yong‐Song Chen, Benjawan Mongkolporn, Chun‐Ting Yeh, Bo‐Hung Lai. Study on the Durability of the HT-PEMFC Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. The 8th Asia Pacific Congress on Catalysis, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019/8/4~7.
2.Han-Wen Chou, Hwa-Jou Wei, Feng-Zhi Chang, Amornchai Arpornwichanop, Yong-Song Chen. Study on Shunt Currents in a Multi-Stack Vanadium Flow Battery System. International Science and Technology Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2019/7/3~5.
3.Pattarin Pattarangoon, Thunwarat Sroymano, Yong-Song Chen. The Effect of Operating Conditions on the Performance of a Direct Borohydride/Peroxide Fuel Cell. 2018 International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environment Engineering, ChiangMai, Thailand, 2018/7/7~9.
4.Ting-Kang Chang, Yong-Song Chen. Predicting Heat Generation of a Ball Screw Drive System. 2018 Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences, Osaka, Japan, 2018/26~8.
5.Chang-Yu Hsieh, Yong-Song Chen. Effect of Membrane Electrode Assemblies on Fuel Cell Performance. 2018 Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences, Osaka, Japan, 2018/26~8.
6.Fu-Hsiang Hsu, Yong-Song Chen. Han-Wen Chou, and Sze-Yuan Ho, Flow Field Simulation and Optimization for an All-Vanadium Redox Flow Battery. 2018 Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences, Osaka, Japan, 2018/26~8.
7.Chia-Wei Li, Yong-Song Chen. Experimental Study on the Effect of Chip Heat on the Heat Transfer in a Ball Screw Drive System. 2018 Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences, Osaka, Japan, 2018/26~8.
8.Yi-Hsuan Hsu, Yong-Song Chen. The Performance of a Direct Borohydride/Peroxide Fuel Cell with Different Diffusion Layer Properties. 2018 Asian Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences, Osaka, Japan, 2018/26~8.
9.Yi-Hsuan Hsu, Fu-Hsiang Hsu, Jiunn-Yih Lee, Yong-Song Chen. Studying the effect of porous diffusion layers on the performance of a direct borohydride/peroxide fuel cell, 2017 Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition, Long Beach, CA, USA, 2017/11/7-9.
10.Shin-Rung Wu, Yong-Song Chen. A Mathematical Model to Investigate the Effect of Characteristics of Gas Diffusion Layers on a High-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. 2017 International Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, 2017/1/14-16.
11.Bei-Ming Hsu, Yong-Song Chen. Investigating the Effects of Parameters on the Performance of a High-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell with a Dead-ended Anode. 2017 International Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, 2017/1/14-16.
12.Po-Hong Tsai, Yong-Song Chen. Experimental Study on the Effect of Compression ratio of Porous Electrodes on the Performance of All-vanadium Redox Flow Batteries. 2017 International Conference on Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, 2017/1/14-16.
13.Sze‐Yuan Ho, Han‐Wen Chou, Ning‐Yih Hsu, Hwa‐Jou Wei, Yong‐Song Chen. A 3D Mathematical Model for Studying Local Current Density Distribution of an All-Vanadium Redox Flow Battery. 2016 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 2016/11/27-12/2.
14.Han‐Wen Chou, Ning‐Yih Hsu, Po‐Hong Tsai, Yong‐Song Chen. Effect of Compression Ratio of Porous Electrodes on the Performance of an All-Vanadium Redox Flow Battery. 2016 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, 2016/11/27-12/2.
15.Yong-Song Chen, Yu-Fen Lin. Effect of Anode Purge on the Energy Efficiency of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. 2015 Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2015/11/16-19.
16.Shang-Wen Tsai, Yong-Song Chen. Studying on the Local Current Density Distribution of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell with a Dead-Ended Anode. 4th International Symposium on Energy Challenges and Mechanics, Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom, 2015/8/11-13.

17.Zih-Yang Lin, Yong-Song Chen. Modeling the Local Current Density Distribution of All-Vanadium Flow Batteries. Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology, Osaka, Japan, 2014/10/15-17.
18.Yu-Chieh Huang, Yong-Song Chen, Kuan-Hsiang Chen, Chin-Lung Hsieh, Yi-Sin Chou, Hwa-Jou Wei, Ning-Yih Hsu. Study the Effect of Flow Field Design on Electrolyte Distribution of All-vanadium Flow Batteries. Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology, Osaka, Japan, 2014/10/15-17.
19.Chih-Hsun Chang, Yong-Song Chen. Integrally Molded Bipolar Plates for All-Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries. Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology, Osaka, Japan, 2014/10/15-17.
20.W.-Y. Hsieh, Y.-S. Chen. The Effect of Flow Rate on Current Density Distribution of All-Vanadium Flow Batteries for Energy Storage. 2014 Annual Conference on Engineering & Information Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2014.
21.Y.-F. Lin, Y.-S. Chen. Optimization of Anode Purging for A Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. 2014 Annual Conference on Engineering & Information Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2014.
22.J.-Y. Chen, Y.-S. Chen, N.-Y. Hsu. Study on the Effect of Electrolyte Concentration on the Limiting Current Density of a Vanadium Flow Battery. 2014 Annual Conference on Engineering & Information Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2014.
23.S.-W. Tsai, Y.-S. Chen. Nitrogen Accumulation Model for A PEM Fuel Cell with A Dead-Ended Anode. 2014 Annual Conference on Engineering & Information Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 2014.
24.Y.-S. Chen, C.-W. Yang. Studying the Voltage Response of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell with a Dead-ended Anode under Varying Load Conditions. Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition, Coloumbus, OH, 2013. (Poster presentation)
25.C.-W. Yang, Y.-S. Chen. Modelling the Nitrogen Crossover of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell in a Dead End Mode 5th International Conference on Fundamentals & Development of Fuel Cells, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013. (Oral presentation)
26.J.-Y. Lee, Y.-S. Chen, B.-J. Weng. Design of Membrane Electrode Assembly for Air-cooled PEMFCs. Fuel Cell Seminar, Orlando, FL, 2011. (Poster presentation)
27.Y.-S. Chen, J.-Y. Lee, J.-T. Hwang, M.-C. Chuang, B.-J. Weng. Membrane Electrode Assembly with Non-uniform Catalyst Distribution for Air-cooled PEM Fuel Cells. Fuel Cell Seminar, San Antonio, TX, 2010. (poster presentation)
28.Y.-S. Chen, B.-J. Weng, J.-Y. Lee, J.-T. Hwang. Composites Bipolar Plates for PEM Fuel Cells. 7th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010. (poster presentation)
29.Y.-S. Chen, H. Peng. A Segmented Model and Experiment for Studying the Water Transport in a PEMFC. Fuel Cell Seminar, San Antonio, TX, 2007 (poster presentation).
30.Y.-S. Chen, H. Peng. Studying the Water Transport in a PEMFC by Neutron Radiography and Relative Humidity Sensors. ASME, the Fifth International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, Brooklyn, NY, 2007 (oral presentation).
31.Y.-S. Chen, C.-L. Chou, B.-J. Weng. Comparison between Pt/C Catalysts Prepared by Different Methods. Proc. of the 2002 Annual Conf. of the Chinese Soc. for Mat. Sci.

Conference papers in Taiwan


計畫名稱 委託機構 起迄年月 工作


行政院國家科學委員會 2013/08/01~2014/07/31 主持人


行政院國家科學委員會 2013/01/01~2013/12/31 主持人


行政院國家科學委員會 2011/08/01~2012/07/31 主持人


Taiwan R.O.C. Patent No. I686004. Bipolar Plate Structure of Fuel Cell. 燃料電池雙極板結構
2.Taiwan R.O.C. Patent No. I618292. Gas Management Method for Anode Gas Recirculation Fuel Cell and System Thereof. 陽極循環式燃料電池之氣體管理方法與系統
3.Taiwan R.O.C. Patent No. I575805. Bipolar Polar Plate of Flow Cell and Producing Method Thereof. 液流電池之雙極板及其製作方法
4.Taiwan R.O.C. Patent No. I543433. Fuel Cell Anode Purge Methode and Systems Thereof. 燃料電池之陽極氣體管理方法及系統
5.Taiwan R.O.C. Patent No. I473334. Membrane Electrode Assembly with Non-uniform Catalyst Distribution. 非均勻觸媒分佈之燃料電池膜電極組
6.Taiwan R.O.C. Patent No. I405717. Method of Producing Hydrogen by Mixing Sea Water and Metal Borohydrides. 以海水摻合硼氫化合物產製氫氣的方法
7.Taiwan R.O.C. Patent No. I429121. A Fuel Cell Hybrid Power System without Converters. 無電源轉換器之燃料電池混合電力系統
8.Taiwan R.O.C. Patent No. 193328. Processing of High-Performance Platinum Catalyst. 高性能白金觸媒之製作方法
9.Taiwan R.O.C. Patent No. M264664. Bipolar Plate for Air-cooled Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack. 氣冷式質子交換膜燃料電池組之雙極板

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