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Faculty Positions in the International Bachelor Degree Program in Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, National Chung Cheng University


Faculty Positions in the International Bachelor Degree Program in Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, National Chung Cheng University

The International Bachelor Degree Program in Mechanical Engineering (IBP_ME) at National Chung Cheng University invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions at ranks of Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor. The positions will commence on August 1st, 2025.


-    Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, including at least two undergraduate-level courses in English each academic year. Please note that all courses in the IBP_ME are taught in English.
-    Conducting high-quality research in your area of expertise.
-    Advising and mentoring students.


Areas of Interest:
We encourage applicants with expertise in the following areas to apply:

-    Machine Design and Manufacturing
-    Structural Mechanics and Advanced Materials
-    Automation and Control
-    Fluid Mechanics and Thermo-Engineering
-    Opto-Mechatronics


Candidates must hold an earned Ph.D. by the beginning of employment.


The required documents include: (Paper documents and PDF files must be provided)
1.    Faculty position application form (download link)
2.    Updated curriculum vitae with a full list of publications
3.    Statements of research plan and teaching plan 
4.    Copies of most relevant publications
5.    Official transcripts of undergraduate and graduate degrees
6.    Two letters of recommendation (mailed to the Department Chair or in a sealed envelope)
7.    Supporting information to support your accomplishments
8.    Citizenship and Visa status (required for non-residents or foreigners)


Application deadline:  
All application materials must be received by December 30th, 2024.


Please send hard copies of all required documents to:

Dr. Yong-Song Chen
Professor and Chair
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Chung Cheng University
No.168, Sec. 1, University Rd., Minhsiung, Chiayi 621301, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


In addition, please email the documents in PDF format to imeysc@ccu.edu.tw (for Dr. Yong-Song Chen, Professor and Chair) . Please write “Application for the International Bachelor’s Degree Program in Mechanical Engineering Faculty Position” on the envelope and use the same text for the email subject line.

For more details about IBP_ME, please visit our website: https://deptime.ccu.edu.tw/p/404-1102-61128.php?Lang=en







  1. 申請人須為專精於設計製造、固力、自動控制、熱流、光機電,其中之一領域之人才,並需具備參與團隊合作研究之熱忱。
  2. 申請人需具備博士學位或預期於聘任前可取得博士學位。
  3. 申請人需具備相關領域之大學部基礎科目與研究所進階課程之開課能力。
  4. 本學程為全英授課,申請人須開授全英語教學課程,每學年至少開2門大學部專業課程。


  1. 申請表:此處下載
  2. 個人履歷(含著作目錄)
  3. 研究計畫及可開授課程
  4. 重要著作之抽印本或摘要
  5. 大學及研究所成績單正本
  6. 推薦信二封(可請推薦人逕寄系主任或彌封附於紙本資料中)
  7. 其他有關專長領域及教學研究能力之佐證資料

六、應徵方式:意者請檢附以上資料,郵寄至621301嘉義縣民雄鄉大學路168號 國立中正大學機械工程學系陳永松主任收,於113年12月30日(星期一)前寄達(郵戳為憑);電子檔請寄至陳永松主任 imeysc@ccu.edu.tw。郵寄信封及電子郵件主旨皆請標明「申請國立中正大學工學院機械工程國際學士學位學程教職」


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